Tuesday, January 26, 2010

9 months old

Abrie was 9 months old on Sunday! This is starting to get ridiculous. It feels like I am jotting down her next-month entry every other day. The time is just flying by, and my girl is growing and changing all the time.

Her appointment was yesterday, and I was extremely pleased to see that she gained over 3 lbs since her 6-month appointment. She is now tipping the scales at 16 lbs, 14 oz. She is our little darling! Maddie was 20 lbs, 3 oz and Faith was 17 lbs, 4 oz at this age. And, Abrie is 26 1/2 inches long which is a half an inch shorter than our little Beebster. So, as of right now, she is officially the smallest of our three princesses.

Nursing has admittedly been a struggle with Abrie. I feel like a failure at times, as though I should know the in's and out's of breastfeeding considering she is our third. But, every baby is different and she has had her moments in these 9 months where she totally rejects nursing. But, I'm still trying every day and we've made it this far and are still going. I think the extra meals have helped plump her up a bit though, and she and I are definitely not lacking in the Momma/daughter bond. She is my biggest fan. She calls for "Mommmmmma!" every second of the day. She loves to snuggle, and I couldn't wish for a cuddlier baby girl. Of course, the girl is in love with her Prince- Daddy-o. The second she sees him she does her flirty smile! It's so funny.

9 months old, and I am loving every bit of my girl.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

First tooth!!!

My little precious has her first "toofy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I just knew it had to be about to pop. She can be fussy and does pull at her ears, but she really hasn't been overly irritable or anything like that. She's a champ. I thought though that I was feeling something sharp when I'd be feeding her all this week, and sure enough I finally felt it tonight while I fed her.

I can bet she'll look so darn cute when I'm able to get a picture of it!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Poison control first

She may be our third, but she's destined for some classic firsts!!!

Today was my first time ever calling poison control. I had to go wipe Faith's toosh and left the room for a split second. Wouldn't you know, I come back and wonder 'what in the world does she have that she's chewing on?' The Glade Plug-in refill thing had dropped from the Plug-in, and Abrie had decided to investigate and chew (and suck) on the tip. She smelled overwhelmingly like lavendar or lilac or whatever scent it was. She was drooling it all over herself. Needless to say, I panicked! Not even the likes of my scheming little Beebster have ever warranted a call to Poison Control. But, there's always room for some firsts!

The woman that answered was as nice as could be. Abrie was screaming bloody murder, but I think it was moreso because of my reaction to her to drop what she was chewing on and a stern "Noooooooooo!!!" The woman even called back after 30 minutes to check and make sure she was OK since she was worried about her drinking. At first Abrie didn't want to drink from her sippy cup (which is what the nurse told me to see if she would do), but then I nursed her before her nap and she ate well.

A first for my Show, and a first for my little ladies!

Friday, January 1, 2010