Friday, February 5, 2010


Or, really it should be called not.sleeping.

Oh yeah, my girl is officially the worst sleeper in the history of sleepers. I am certain it is her teeth since she has already cut her second tooth on the bottom and there are bumps everywhere. Since 4 months of age though, she does go through these spurts where she screams bloody murder at night, and the past 2-3 weeks have been the worst.

Dan has gotten to witness it firsthand. He makes me feel awful sometimes when I watch how patient he can be with her, because I admittedly do not have his patience! Then again, he is never here in the nights so he doesn't do it night. after night. after night. Regardless though, our little bundle of joy has been joining us in our bed every night for the past 3 nights at about 1am when we both have run out of ideas as to what to try next.

Little lady is such a charmer though, and I forget the whole night when I go in to her room in the mornings and see her standing there and waving!