I am so very in love with our littlest lady.
Abrie has been with us now almost 10 weeks (as of tomorrow) and I wonder how we ever thought our family was complete before her. I was just telling Dan tonight before he left for work that next week it will be 10 months since we found out we would be parents for the third time. Before that day, we always talked about how our life was complete. We had our two beautiful little girls. We were not planning on any more babies. We both truly feel that God felt differently. He knew we just were not done. And, I am so very thankful that this was His plan for us.
I hold my Abrie, and there are so many times that I am flooded with emotion. Louis Armstrong's song "What a Wonderful World" pops into my head, and I find myself singing that to her all the time. Maddie improvises the last song in "Bolt" to the lyrics, "There is no Abrie like the one we've got, because this Abrie belongs to ussssss!" Quite true. I couldn't be luckier, or feel more blessed. I have a constant nagging guilt that overwhelms me because of my initial reaction at finding out we were pregnant for the third time, and I am sure that will stay with me forever. It's crazy how I let fear overwhelm me thinking that I would never be able to show three little individuals the unconditional love I always promised myself I would show my children. The love that I never necessarily felt as a child myself. A love so deep that, as I have learned, prompts those unnecessary fears and begins that vicious cycle of Momma guilt.
It's a cliche I have always said since the day we brought Maddie home from the hospital and still remember was written on one of my favorite neutral Maddie outfits, "If they could just stay little." I wish all three of our girls could stay little forever. I feel this now even moreso with Abrie, wanting to hang on to every little smile, coo, and even her precious baby farts! It's inevitable, and it's already happening inevitably with our Breezer.
I just hope Abrie always knows how incredibly loved she is. She may be just two months old, and yet I am already so proud of the person that I know she will become, and the person that she already is. She has completed our family, and taught us to "never say never!" No matter how old she is in life, I will always remember my darling little Beeba-- our happy little girl that came into our lives and made us even happier.
I love my baby, and when she smiles at me with that irresistible smile of hers, I know that she loves me right back-- unconditionally.