Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hoping it's a simple case of allergies?

I would very much like for Abrie's hives to go away now.

I hate seeing my poor baby covered in these darn things every single morning. It is the strangest thing. She started this last Sunday, and they come without fail every morning. They've been splotchy and only on her arms, but lately now they make her entire arm red and inflamed with white little welts. She's also now been getting them on her knees and on the bottom halves of her legs. It's got to be itchy for my poor baby girl; it coves her little knuckles and fingers, and I just want them to go away for once and for all.

I'm trying to not eat clementines (the only food I can think of that I've been eating regularly since getting them at the store last Friday-- although, I've eaten them many times before since having had her) and strawberries (same deal-- I've eaten them regularly since having had her and it never made her break out, but apparently Dan used to have reactions to strawberries when he was little), and hope that this helps? It's so extremely sad seeing her arms- and now legs- covered in these hives and wondering if my milk is making her stomach hurt so badly that she screams and screams and screams. Nursing is supposed to be soothing and comforting to my babies, and yet it seems to be torture lately to my poor little Breeze. I feel so guilty and helpless. 

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