Abrie's new thing is standing up against something and holding on to it. Wouldn't you know the little stinker can actually stand there for a good while?! Dan called me out from the kitchen last week only to find her standing against the couch and him saying "Ta Da!" with this proud look on his face. She's too cute.
She's got some eczema going on on her back. I'm going to have to get that Gentle Naturals eczema cream at the store. That one always worked just as well for Faith as Maddie's prescription did when they both were babies.
Little woman's been sleeping at night from 7pm-7:30am the next morning (and I get no sleep from 3am on due to horrible pain! But, hey, if that's the worst of it, I'll take it!). And that is because I wake her up at 7:30am, otherwise she might even sleep later. The few times that she has gotten up in the night within the past month have been because she was sick at the end of July, and on the nights that I only put her in a onesie. I swear this prompts her to get cold then once she wriggles out from underneath her blanket, and then proceeds to roll over and can't get back to bed so I feed her on those nights at about 4am at her wake-up call. When I put her in a blanket sleeper, she sleeps like a little lamb all curled up in the top left corner of her crib.
My precious girl.