Tuesday, August 25, 2009

4 months old!

My sweet girl is 4 months old.

As of yesterday!

Doctor's appointment was today though, and if we thought Faith was a peanut, Abrie is then like a little seedling. She is a whopping 12 lbs, 10 oz and 23 3/4 inches long. 

At 4 months, Maddie was 16 lbs even and 24 1/2 inches long. And, Faith was 12 lbs, 13 oz and 23 inches long. So, Abrie is 2 oz lighter than Faith and a little bit taller. I love all three of my girls just the way that they are!

The doctor was impressed with how strong Abrie is. She was wanting to roll every which way off of the mat. And, of course she had her shots and hated every second of it. Her big sisters were in tears that people were hurting their girl ("why hurt Beeba Show, Momma?"-- Faith), and they have been super curious about her little bandages and wanting her to be OK. 


I have found that with Abrie, this baby stage from her newborn-ness throughout her infancy is my most favorite time. I am sure I will continue to say that every stage with her is my favorite, as every day with my girls is my favorite for me. But, I am just loving her infancy. I wish it didn't have to go so darn quickly, as I have always wished with both Maddie and Faith.

I will admit though that the first few months have never been my most favorite of stages. Those first few months have always been so hard for me: I've always loved every second, but maybe not necessarily enjoyed every second. I AM enjoying every single second with my Breeze. The awesome moments and the frustrating moments, and every single moment in between. I know how incredibly fleeting these moments with my three are, and especially when they're babies like Abrielle, and I am holding on to them with everything I've got. 

I love my little girl. My four month old Breeze. 

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