Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Regressions are improving

Baby girl is so busy these days.

She puts all her weight on the palms of her hands when she's on the floor, and pushes up on her legs as if she's trying to stand. Her little butt is in the air, and it's so cute. Faith gets such a kick out of this.

For the past three weeks or so, Abrie's sleep has regressed. It's been getting much better, and she's only waking up now in the nights because she has rolled over and can't get back to sleep. So, I get up about 2-3 times a night to roll her back over to her stomach, and she'll continue sleeping. For awhile though, she was waking up 5-6 times a night and it wasn't a simple cure-all for the times that she would awake. It was back to rocking, patting on the back, and even middle-of-the night feedings.

This of course led to a 2-or-so week-long stint of Abrie being fussy and out of character. She is totally her precious self again, and even when she is fussy, the girl is too darn cute. I swear they are made irresistibly cute for a reason-- you can't ever get mad because they melt your heart with their smiles.

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